Contribusion de Trey314159
Risultati per Trey314159 discusion blochi cargamenti rejistri global block log utenza globale registro abusi
Utente con 10 modifiche. Utenza creata il 16 feb 2018.
18 feb 2018
- 06:1406:14, 18 feb 2018 dif stor 0 p Mariinskiy Posad fix homoglyphs: convert Latin characters in С[ĕ]нт[ĕ]рв[ă]рри to Cyrillic
- 06:1406:14, 18 feb 2018 dif stor +2 p Isaac Asimov fix homoglyphs: convert Latin characters in Иса[á]к to Cyrillic
- 06:1406:14, 18 feb 2018 dif stor +4 p Belgrado fix homoglyphs: convert Latin characters in Б[eo]г[pa]д to Cyrillic
- 06:1406:14, 18 feb 2018 dif stor +1 p Odessa (Ucraina) fix homoglyphs: convert Latin characters in [o]деська to Cyrillic
- 06:1406:14, 18 feb 2018 dif stor +1 p Repùblega Sosiałista Soviètega Axera fix homoglyphs: convert Latin characters in Азәрба[j]ҹан to Cyrillic
- 06:1306:13, 18 feb 2018 dif stor +2 p Masedònia del Nord fix homoglyphs: convert Latin characters in Македони[j]а to Cyrillic
- 06:1306:13, 18 feb 2018 dif stor 0 p Che Guevara fix homoglyphs: convert Cyrillic characters in Khrušč[ё]v to Latin
- 06:1306:13, 18 feb 2018 dif stor 0 p Modeło:Guera freda fix homoglyphs: convert Cyrillic characters in Khrušč[ё]v to Latin
- 06:1306:13, 18 feb 2018 dif stor +1 p Repùblega Sosiałista Soviètega Axera fix homoglyphs: convert Latin characters in [C]оветская to Cyrillic
- 06:1306:13, 18 feb 2018 dif stor +1 p Repùblega Sosiałista Soviètega de Zeorza fix homoglyphs: convert Latin characters in [C]оветская to Cyrillic