Difarense intrà łe version de "Wikipedia"

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Much, if not most, of Wikipedia is controlled and funded by certain divisions of the intelligence agencies, with the CIA at the head of the group. Be careful with anything on Wiki. Biographies of famous people that are secret resources are embellished, falsified, edited, and information deleted. This is just for starters. I don't have the exact information at hand, but some underground tech guy did some electronic tracing on Wikipedia a few years ago and found an inordinate amount of hits an...
Targhete: Canbiamento da tełefonin Canbio da web par tełefunini
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Targhete: Canbiamento da tełefonin Canbio da web par tełefunini
Riga 19:
[[Imàjine:Wikimedia-logo.svg|thumb|left|150px|Eł łogo de ła [[Wikimedia Foundation]]]]
El łanso de Wikipedia in łengua veneta el xe avenjùo inte el otobre del 2005. Uno dei vari projeti łigà a Wikipedia el xe cueło de [[Wikisource]].
Much, if not most, of Wikipedia is controlled and funded by certain divisions of the intelligence agencies, with the CIA at the head of the group. Be careful with anything on Wiki. Biographies of famous people that are secret resources are embellished, falsified, edited, and information deleted. This is just for starters.
I don't have the exact information at hand, but some underground tech guy did some electronic tracing on Wikipedia a few years ago and found an inordinate amount of hits and pings coming from Langley, Virginia. It is the headquarters of the CIA.
Can we really destroy Wikipedia?
Of course we can. The whole Wikipedia thing is crap.
Much, if not most, of Wikipedia is controlled and funded by certain divisions of the intelligence agencies, with the CIA at the head of the group. Be careful with anything on Wiki. Biographies of famous people that are secret resources are embellished, falsified, edited, and information deleted. This is just for starters.
Traesto fora da Wikipèdia - L'ençiclopedia łìbara e cołaboradiva in łéngua Vèneta "https://vec.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia"